March 2-“Toast to Texas” at 3700 Ocean Drive, 1:00 p.m., Speaker will be Joe Fox portraying Henry Smith.
March 4-NCHS meeting, Speaker will be Bette Ash.
March 8-Coastal Bend Genealogical Society meeting
March 24 & 25-Texas Tropical Trail will celebrate 20 years in the Texas Historical Commission’s Heritage Trails Program. The event will be held in Sarita and Kingsville. The March 24 event is sold out. There is still limited seating for the March 25 event. Contact info@texastropicaltrail.com for more info or to register.
March 27-30-“The Wall That Heals” at Veteran’s Memorial High School
April 8-NCHS meeting, Speaker will be Dillon Beal with the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History.
April 15-Texas Tropical Trail monthly partner event, TBA
March 24 & 25-Texas Tropical Trail will celebrate 20 years in the Texas Historical Commission’s Heritage Trails Program. The event will be held in Sarita and Kingsville. There will be limited seating for this event. Contact Penny Pillack at ppillack@aol.com or 361-813-3732 to register.
May 6-Daniel E. Kilgore Local History Award Banquet