
Monthly get-TOGETHERs


information on our schedule

Here at the Nueces County Historical Society, our year (or Season) begins in September and ends in May of the following year. We hold a number of meetings and events throughout the year so please visit us here at our website and like us on Facebook as we update our information regularly.

general meetings

Every Season, we have eight General Meetings that include historical presentations. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month, from September through April of each Season. We meet at the First Presbyterian Church of Corpus Christi. Refer to the Map at the upper right.

awards banquet

The final get-together of every Season is our annual Daniel E. Kilgore History Awards Banquet, held in May. This year’s Banquet will be held on May 6, 2025 at the Holiday Inn Airport Hotel. At this semi-formal gathering, we will celebrate the Kilgore Awards recipients install the 2026-2027 Season officers, and we will enjoy a history presentation.





Past meeting presentations

review the history of the NCHS meetings

Although not comprehensive, we have a number of our past presentations for your viewing. We will be updating the past meeting presentations with video links to our YouTube channel, such as this December 9th 2022 presentation by Dr. James Pruitt. “A People Go To War”.  Until we have all the videos uploaded, please review the list of earlier archived presentations, many with interesting PDF documents taken from their presentations.  

Many thanks to our monthly presenters who truly keep our members and guests engaged in our South Texas history!


 2018-19 season

SEPTEMBER 2018: Treasures from My Collection
 OCTOBER 2018: Jetty Journalism: Forty Seven Years of News Gathering on Mustang Island
 NOVEMBER 2018: Dr. Spohn – Surgeon, Inventor, and Texas Medical Pioneer
DECEMBER 2018: The Dunn Family – A Ranching History on Padre Island
JANUARY 2019: History and Memories of Northside
FEBRUARY 2019: Growing Up in Corpus Christi
MARCH 2019 : Hook, LIne, and Sinker
 APRIL 2019: Our Corpus Christi Seawall – It’s
Construction and It’s Restoration
MAY 2019: “La Salle’s Ghost: American Claims to Texas from the Louisiana Purchase to the Republic of Texas”


2017-18 SEASON

SEPTEMBER  2017: …
OCTOBER 2017: A Evening with Felix and Maria von Blucher
NOVEMBER 2017: South Texas Jewish History
DECEMBER 2017: 2nd Annual Author’s Row
JANUARY 2018: Barnstorming Bernie
FEBRUARY 2018: Panel Discussion  – Remembering Margaret Walberg
MARCH 2018: Field Trip – Visiting the TAMU-CC Special Collections and Archives Room at the Mary and Jeff Bell Library
APRIL 2018: The History of the Bonilla and Berlanga Families
MAY 2018: Banquet – The Early Life of Lawrence Kinney


 2016-17 season

MAY 2017: Book Discussion – Bulwark Against the Bay: The People of Corpus Christi and their Seawall
APRIL 2017: Produce Barns in South Texas
MARCH 2017: The King Ranch Perspective on the 150th Anniversary of the Chisholm Trail
FEBRUARY 2017: A South Texas Family History: The Hoelscher Family
JANUARY 2017: A Puzzle and the Plow: The Tillman Family History
DECEMBER 2016: 1st Annual Author’s Row
NOVEMBER 2016: The Disappearance of the South Texas Vaquero
OCTOBER 2016: The George H. Paul Company and Land Sales around Robstown
SEPTEMBER 2016: History of the Nueces County Jr. Livestock Show


2015-16 SEASON

MAY 2017: Book Discussion – Sea of Mud: The Retreat of the Mexican Army after San Jacinto, An Archeological Investigation
APRIL 2017: A South Texas Family History: The Westergren Family Lore
MARCH 2017: Alexander Gurwitz – A Yiddish Life in Russia and Texas
FEBRUARY 2017: South Texas Hispanic Farm Labor Communities
JANUARY 2017: Speakeasies in South Texas
DECEMBER 2016: Stories from Murphy Givens’ Columns II
NOVEMBER 2016: The South Texas Photographer Louis de Planque
OCTOBER 2016: Corpus Christi Friends Lost in World War II
SEPTEMBER 2016: Book Discussion: Perilous Trails of Texas